Friday 14 May 2021



I believe that we should not be too good for the people who don't deserve goodness. 


Don't judge a story without reading it till the end.... is my philosophy !!

Okay, let me share an experience of mine. I am a girl who prefers kind over everything. I am funny, crazy, kind and unique. I will feel bad when someone behaves worthless towards me and talks like they know everything and will put the other person down without even thinking for a second of what the other person is going through. 

I experienced it many times even with my close friends too. But I never had an argument with them. Most of the times I remain silent and sometimes I say sorry to the people even though the mistake is not on my side. I usually prefer Human relations. It really matters a lot. I am mature enough to handle the problems with smile most of the times. If it is too toxic, then I only prefer you to cut the friendships because we don't deserve such kind of thing right..?

In my case, I am very good to people who loves me and hates me though. because, everyone will remember you one or the other time in their lifetime not because they want you but because the kindness you have shown for them.

I always used to think like...Why am I so kind for such people or a society?? 

Believe me, These kind of experiences didn't change my personality or a behavior. Those were the times I felt so bad, got stressed but whenever they need any help from me. I never said NO. That's where the kindness is shown.

Experiencing the things is not that easy, we have to struggle, should feel the pains, insults and rude. BUT, Never lose the inner peace in you which made you strong now.

 BE YOU and BE KIND. If you have both, then the best will always happen for you at the right place.

By the way, The statement which I said earlier...!! I feel that we should not be too good but you can be kind to others.

So, You can share what you felt regarding that statement in my comment session. Waiting to hear from you all. 

Keep smiling byee...!!


  1. Wow such wisdom at such a young age! You are right, you will be remembered by how you made them feel.


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...