Thursday 20 May 2021


 Yes, The word which you heard is true! 

I am gonna talk about ignorance!! 

How one will get benefited by ignoring the worthless talks happening around us..? 

You should have a lot of patience and control over your own self to ignore a negative thought or a unnecessary thought which is struggling in your mind!! 

Please, don't ever fall for the words which will ruin your happiness! 

Some people wantedly speak bad about us to test our patience and to make us feel low about ourselves

I am telling you again, don't ever fall for such kind of words! It's really hard to ignore such kind of things! 

But, focus on your goals, your golden opportunities, your beautiful life with your family and friends!! 

Rest of them we have to ignore, no matter what! Because we get nothing out of it!! 

You, Your family and your people only matters the most! 

Love to see the good in people and ignore the bad in others and most importantly ignore negative people too 


  1. Wow!!!well said Nivedita we need ignore the negativity and to focus on our goals and career


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...