Monday 17 May 2021

 I would like to share an experience of mine which made me Content and joyful !! 

She is my best friend, She felt like I am ignoring her but actually not, I am busy with few of my works and had no time to be in touch with her for few days, she felt sad !! 

Then, I made a gratitude card mentioning about my 8 years of friendship with her and about how important she is to me! 

I didn't expect the reply would be in a serious way, I mean with lots of love. I thought she would be more sarcastic as best friends always prefer to be crazy with each other

But, the reply which I got from her made me feel astonished and even more happy!! 

As soon as she received my card. she said it made my day!! 

That's how I learnt the value of being grateful again! 

Sometimes, we usually ignore our closed one's! We feel like they can understand everything without explaining it! 

It's not true every time, we have to shower them with love and care.

If you spread happiness to others without expecting from others, You will surely recieve much more happiness in return.


  1. I really loved the last three lines "If you spread happiness to others without expecting from others, You will surely recieve much more happiness in return" it's 💯% correct


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...