Tuesday 1 February 2022

Hey Thop People!! 🥳

I would like to mention my weaknesses very proudly today..wanna be grateful for it! 

I dont like when, people interupt me while talking! 

I don't like when, people talk rudely with me! 

I don't like when, people act double faced.

I don't like when, people put someone down.

I don't like when, people make fun of me by pointing out my weaknesses!! 

Now,YOU all got to know my weaknesses and my irritations!! 

This message can be taken in a positive way or in a negative way..!

Whatever, this message is gonna take tho! I just don't care.

Because..i expressed what I felt and i love it when I express this way! 

As i believe that, 

we should live for others by showing care towards them and we should live for ourselves by believing in our power!

I am feeling very happy for sharing this infront of all of YOU this confidently! 

I am proud of myself! 

Yes,i say this word 10 times a day and still i want to say it! 

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am proud of myself!


Nive's expression lo rasesa..now i can sleep peacefully! 

#Lets not hope for the best.

Lets be the best! 


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