Wednesday 2 June 2021

 When we do good for others, We do get good in return! I believe in it, because I experienced it! 

We do believe the things when we experience it! 

But the most beautiful part here is we get surrounded by the most beautiful people who thinks exactly the same way we does! 

We have a lot of negative thoughts which will always run in our mind, no matter how much we try to avoid it, Those were the times: 

These people will make us happy with their talks 

These people will give us motivation 

These people will make us feel high with their beautiful words 

These people with whom we actually rely on during those times

Everyone will get these kind of people some or the other time ! 

You will see this kind of people the most is when you have positivity and goodness in yourself and spread it to the world! 

Surrounding with such kind of people is a bliss! 

Dont ever lose such kind of people who brings the best in you🤗


  1. Nice, Nive.. keep same understanding with you consistently. Have a colourful journey.


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...