Sunday 4 July 2021

Little things makes me happy!! 

But, at the same time little things are no more little things for me!! 

They are huge for me.. Because I am a simple girl who finds happiness everywhere. 

When someone praises you, take it as a big compliment because only few have that pure heart of seeing beauty in you. 

When someone puts efforts like making a video or posting a picture of yours for any special occasion take it as a big gift because only few have that pure heart of being selfless most of the times. 

When someone stays with you, in your tough times...take it as a big blessing because only few have that pure heart of being kind with you. 

When someone says, I believe in you. Take it as a big achievement, because only few have that pure heart of believing in others ability. 

In my opinion,

The people who put little efforts to make you feel happy are like the best ones! 

So, Don't ever lose them and feel happy for every little thing you have so that, you will not be waiting to find happiness because the happiness is within your small place❤

Thank you πŸ˜‡


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...