Sunday 6 June 2021

I would like to convey my love and care towards my seniors!! 

The best people I met in my life whose presence gave me the Confidence, Happiness and many more into my life, You people never know how much you all mean to me! 

I think, I haven't connected to anyone this way.. Even with some of my friends too!! 

This connection is something magical! 


You say we juniors do much, yet you are our backbone of making things done quickest with your presence!! 

You say we juniors support you, yet your support system in the background will always be huge and uncountable!! 

You say we juniors take initiative, yet your initiative at the beginning of your journey have added lot of energy to make our steps get done faster!! 

You say we juniors are strong, yet we can see your strong huge smiles besides facing all the challenges!! 

You say we juniors know how to team up, yet you are the people who actually gives us the comfort to be in a team and will be like a backend warriors!! 

I don't know, This is really small to express my gratitude to all of you! 

With you, We are everything!! 

I know, I have exams but can't wait to express it! 

Thankyou ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‡


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...