Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hello Thop People! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I would like to share few sentences here. 
1)Irritation or anger will become new normal. 
2) Changing will become new normal.
3) Forgiving will become new normal. 
I think, you might be surprised because few words which I mentioned above are negative. 

I wrote these sentences to make you people understand that, Few words which we hear from our childhood have basically made us think, in a negative manner....! Because of this thought process.. We take life in a complex way. 

What if a person gets *irritation*? 
Why can't you understand that person ? 
For example - He/she is struggling with their situations, and when you speak something. They might get irritation.What's wrong in it? There is no mistake in opposite person point of view. 
It's because we have talked with them at the wrong time..that has happened. 
But, without understanding we think that, they are rude to us at that moment. Sometimes, we don't even forgive them.

I wonder, how people will forget all the good things that they received from someone and will only point out the mistakes that they have done for them. 

You might be asking me (how to understand people and situations) 
For me, My definition of understanding is ; 
Listening to them, Observing their actions and being patient is the stepping key to understand people. 
This is just simple, we just complicate things. 

*Change* - We somehow won't accept the change, that has happened in others. 
It might be with friendships. 
We keep on complaining that, this person is not talking with me like before..? 
We have responsibilities, when we are growing big, we will come across many people, many responsibilities over time. and that doesn't mean we are ignoring those people. We are just giving less time for them. ( please understand your friends or family and give them a hope that, no matter even If you talk with me or not, you will always be my best person) 
So, change is acceptable. 
People should change, because it's their life.. You don't have any rights to control other people life. 

I somehow feel,like 
We are not LKG kids to keep on complaining about little things๐Ÿ˜‚

*Forgiving* - You might be thinking, Forgiving will make you lose your self respect. But it's not the correct thing. At least for me..! 
Forgiving gives peace to one's life. 

We all are Teenagers, we might somehow make our life complicated, because of our misunderstanding towards few things. 
So, I am just letting you know that, 
Don't make these kind of mistakes and don't make your beautiful life complicated by breaking beautiful bonds. 

If people wants to leave, let them leave. 
It doesn't matter for us. 
The only thing matters here for a perfect individual according to me is; 
1) Understanding
2) Forgiving 
3) Giving our best 
4) Accepting the change. 

#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿฅณ

Hope you got something out of my writings.

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