Tuesday 1 February 2022

Hey hey hey! 
Dear Thop People!! 

Note:This is something very important..do read guys!! 

You know what? 
I do have imperfections, and insecurities,now i would like to share it with everyone and would like to share how i have gone through all those insecurities and how i am proud of it! 

Few people made me feel less,because of my dusky color..but i have shown that dusky is a queen of colors through my smile! 

Few people made me feel low,by making me insecure and talking about the pimples i had - but,i have made people literates by teaching them the harmonal imbalance which we all go through in our teenage! 

If anyone is going through such kind of comments,just teach those illiterate to normalise teenage living..sorry to say but i am just frustrated with the people who judge us 
There is nothing wrong in having pimples or acne,its just a teenage thing..please do normalise it guys! 

Few people judged me based upon the weight i increase and decrease,but i made people realise that - there is nothing to do with your opinions as,the only thing i can do is loving and accepting my whole body like the way it is! 

Whenever I say Soul-love! 
This is what I mean and meant! 
I accept every single organ of my body and there is no great lover who can love me like me except me! 

I am the queen of my own queen-dom! 

I think - many of you can relate to my messages! 
If yes,let's give a virtual hi-fi and let's accept our soul like the way it is..instead of thinking about other people's opinion on us!! 

-Nive here! 
Let's not hope for the best.
Let's be the best! 


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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...