Tuesday 1 February 2022

Hey hey my dear Thop People! 

Here is Nive with a beautiful Thinking process of explanation now! 

So, I hope you all are excited to read what I am gonna write now! 

So, I always felt like living in moment but I don't excatly know how to live in moment and at the same time I know living in moments makes our life easier and happier! 

I think I confused all of you right? but lemme explain you people in detail..! 

When we don't think about any past moments which has happened in our life then, half of our life becomes easy! You might be asking how? 

When we had great moments with one of our friends in our past but now, we had no connection with them?! 

So,how you feel about those moments and that person?! 

You might feel strange,depressed and sad right? 

So,when you don't think about any moments that has happened in your life with that person and only focus on present then,you will be happy for what you have rather than what you don't have! 

Excatly this way,it is really important for us to create moments in present and forget what we have in past! 

It is important to talk less about past and talk more about present! 

also,there is one another magic which we need to talk..it's future! 

Yes,we can talk about future ..because it's in our hand..we can be the reason of our good future ..so,it's obviously important to talk about future same like of our present moments!! 

You might be asking - what's the reason of telling all of this for you all! 

As ,i am experiencing few of the things that are happening in my life ! 

My realisation for most of my experiences are because I always think about past and worry about unrealistic future ! 

So,to make our present life happier..we always and forever should live in present ! 

Hey hey hey.

Live in the moment.

Happy for that movement.

Hey hey hey..! 

#Let's not hope for the best.

Let's be the best!

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...