Tuesday 1 February 2022

Heyoo Thop people!! 

I just realised that - Being fearless to gain or lose anything in life is the actual strength a human being needs or gets! 

Especially for a girl - 
A girl has to go through different phases of life where she just need to live in someone's control all through her life directly or indirectly! 

But for a change - we can also be independent just forgetting about how people gonna treat us or be with us and just focusing on our goals, our independence and our happiness! 
That is what I just wanted to focus on from now onwards! 

Yes,i am bit self-fish at creating it as,i know a big barrier would come for me in the form of marriage after few years! 
So,why not be happy or create happy moments every single second! 

These are totally my thoughts which i would love to express! 

A girl need to be independent and be fearless to face anything and that's how she enjoy her life to the fullest and i am strong enough to do it! 
Girls - are you all ready too? 
We will together fight anything in this world.
I am ready.
Are you all? 
If you are - then,Let's walk into a beautiful life of happiness..! 

Have a great sleep!

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...