Monday 24 May 2021

 I have a story to tell! 

I am working on a book uncommon accomplishments of common people, Here, We write stories of common people achievements!! 

I have written a story of my mother! 

I think that was the first time I wrote and expressed too! 

While I was reading the story and expressing about her in detail! 

She felt very happy and emotional! 

I didn't expect that would be the reaction of my mother!! 

She felt happy and said I will sleep by your side and we had a beautiful moment where we had a long talk with smiles.

That's where I understood how she got connected with my words of being grateful to her! 

Being grateful to your parents by showing your love and spreading happiness to them is important! 

Daily, at least sometimes appreciate your parents and say that I am grateful for having you as my parents!! 

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...