Monday 24 May 2021

 Everyone wants to fly high without knowing the depth of the sky! 

After knowing, only few will take the risk and reach to the extremity of their dream world! 

Do you know who will be those people? 

Those who have bigger dreams and a right people to support! 

There were times where many of us don't know what to do with our lives. 

There comes a Super man whose presence gave shine to our souls and made us what we are today!! 

E-cell is the place where one can easily rely on with the trust bond which we all created within our world! 

We here make impossible things possible!! 

We never thought one can do wonders with the team! 

We never thought one can celebrate other people success! 

But, these all happened because of E-cell-A Positive world

These kind of things were taught no where!! 

We got a world where we can have a Freedom to our souls

This is possible because of Shravan sir!!

He gave us the environment where we can express, explore and enjoy!! 

We all are involved in many projects and even we manage studies and projects together with lots full of excitement and happiness! 

We are of totally in a different way where the rest of the world are busy in submitting the assignments, fighting for the marks as they have too!! 

We totally created a world of our dreams, our happiness and our values!!

In E-cell, we always love the things we do or we do the things which we love to do!! 

We never ever complain about anything or about anyone.

In E-cell, the biggest strength is, 

We make others believe in their abilities!! 

We here make everyone think that, they are hero's of their own journey!! 

We always motivate them to become better version of ourselves!! 

We show gratitude to everyone for being in our life and supporting in our journey!! 

We always believe that being grateful adds love, care and strength to others and ourselves too!! 

We believe that, 

Our strength is our value system!! 

We always think of providing value in everything we do or does!!

E-cell is the world which everyone needs, because we are no where, but everywhere as our presence makes the world special and better!! 


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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...