Wednesday 23 June 2021

I feel low! 
I do get negative thoughts! 
I make mistakes! 
I get angry! 
I get irritated some times! 
I shout on my family! 
I feel stressed! 
I feel anxiety! 
I overthink alot! 
I do get lot of fears! 
I sometimes feel uncomfortable! 
I do have insecurities! 
I don't know how to deal with the situations sometimes! 
I do think about regrets!
I don't express well! 

Despite of all this, My biggest strength is Quick realisation. 
I will realise it as soon as possible and will come back to my normal mode and will accept my flaws! Yes, A human being is not perfect in everything he/she do or does!! 
Everyone have flaws, I do have....!! 😇
But, I am perfect in my own way
because most of the times I listen to my heart rather than my mind and that's the reason I get positive vibes quickly and will come back to my normal position...!! 

My honesty and My heart helped me a lot, it made me stronger in every challenging situation I faced till now! 
I am always grateful to my heart... ❤😇

This is just weird right, being grateful to heart🤭😂haha, this seems to be funny, but when you love yourself then every organ matters alot because it's in you😊


  1. మహా అద్భుతంగా ఉంది.
    గొప్పగా ఆలోచనలతో కూడిన శక్తివంతమైన ఆచరణలతో సాగుతున్న మీ జీవన విధానం అభినందనీయం.


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...