Saturday 5 June 2021

What's wrong if people are not able to express well or remain silent in a group of people but excel very well in the works which they got assigned with?!

Yes, I am some people who don't like to express in real but love to do works with consistence

What's wrong in doing that way?! I mean I don't love to socialise much! 

It can be because of my own reasons!! 

I will mention few of them here, 

I feel uncomfortable! 

I speak less to not to hurt others! 

I don't prove myself by expressing more rather than proving it in with the things I do, I feel this makes more sense for my question! 

Yes, I do know there are many people who get connected to me when they see my blog. Because, I do know most of them don't like to express in groups! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

But, at the same time! 

My important suggestion is- whenever you want to express your ideas, Thoughts and opinions which will come from your heart! Then, don't hesitate! Just express.. !

 I do express whenever I feel it is important to express! 

I am both, I can be anything but I will choose to be an introvert, because I don't want things to happen the way which I don't want to! 

So, I prefer to remain silent and calm! But, will express whenever it is needed!! 

Express to explore! 

Express to improve! 

Express to add value! 

Express to make sure you are on a right path! 

Especially me, I don't involve in discussions mostly! But, if I involve then I will put my heart into it!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Even then, I listen the most! I will never neglect anything, might be.. I will be calm but will still listen and will respect everyone's opinion! 

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...