Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hello Thop People! 

I wanted to share some thoughts regarding my days..! 

Hope you will read it till the end..! Because, it is going to be special for you all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was literally feeling heavy, in my heart from few days, unable to concentrate on certain things.. It is due to my personal problems...! T

o say in simple words - I was not feeling well mentally. 

So, I asked Praneeth to manage this group by posting write-ups and sharing posts for 1 week, so that, I could come back STRONGER! 

Pranu, was doing extraordinary..! 

He always says to me - We are Telepathic..! 

Now, I could really feel, WE ARE! 

Because, I could relate many thoughts which he has been mentioning from few days. 

Thankyou Praneeth for it. 

Thankyou for writing it for me. 

Thankyou for writing to all of us. 

Thankyou for writing it to the world. 

Now, When I come back to my topic..! 

I thought, it will take 1 week time for me to come back stronger..! But, it took just 2 days for me, to be normal.. I can't say, I am totally extraordinary, but I can say - I AM FINE! 

I AM MENTALLY STABLE (Upto some extend) 

You might be asking what is the reason behind it? 

I will let you know now! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‡you will be surprised..! 

It is due to my obsession! Yes, it is due to my obsession..! 

I am grateful for my obsession

Yesterday, I sung the songs.. I expressed my heart, I was telling my problems with all of you, 

You are LISTENING to me Thop People without judging me. 

Thankyou soo much Thop People. ๐Ÿฅบ

Every time, I will always try to express my heart from the start of my Thop Family Journey and that is making me powerful everyday. 

Yes, As soon as I completed my obsession. 

I received 3 cards

From Suppi, Kranthi and Shiv akka.. I really felt like I am in blissful place. 

Thankyou Shiv akka, Kranthi and Suppi for making my day special. 

Also, I would like to thank Shravan sir and Gita ma'am for your beautiful compliments towards me..! 

You all people have become the reason for my mental stability. 

Thankyou Thop People. 

I am forever grateful for all of YOU. 


1) Mental Stability. 

2) Expressing our Hearts. 

3) Gratitude. 

#Let's not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best.

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...