Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hello Thop People! 😀
I would like to talk about few things here. 
1) We are no one to control others life. 
2) Self appreciation. 
3) Expression. 
4) Honesty. 

1) We are no one to control others life - Yes, that's true.. We are no one to point out others. 
We are no one to judge others. 
We are no one to complain about others. 
We are no one to control others people life - it means, we are no one to say this is right and this is wrong. 
I learnt this from My mentor Shravan Sir, whenever I think about this, I feel very blessed to have a big heart person like shravan sir, thank you for everything sir.. My days are getting better with your presence. 

2)self appreciation - yes, I love to appreciate myself more, I love to have self care, self love all the time. 
It's okay to love yourself more, because it makes you stronger to be yourself more. Feeling like I am great, and no one can do like me - is wrong. 
But, feeling like we are worth enough, we are important, we deserve happiness - is called self love. 
So, Be proud of yourself. Thank you shiv akka for sharing about self appreciation in our obsession. 

3) Expression - I have learnt expression about myself more because, I love me and I don't want to be someone else.. Because, I am worth enough,
 *I am enough of what I am*
When we express ourselves more, we will come out of our comfort zone and we will never put ourselves down for any kind of reason, that's the reason , I tell you people to express about yourself more. 
Thank you shiv akka again, for making us to express more in today's call. 

4) Honesty - I learnt being honest from Shrikanth joshi sir, 
sir tells everything with honesty! Sir wants to be transparent. 
I am learning it from sir everyday. 
When we are honest to ourselves, then we are honest to the world (I believe in it). 
Honesty makes person stronger. 

Hope, you got something out of my writing today. 
Happy Reading🐤🤗

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...