Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hello Thop People!! 

Most of the times, World is hard on us for some or the other kind of reason. 

It is really difficult to face. 
As we receive worst comments, insults, not having understandable people and sometimes, we don't get people who listen to us, as they are busy in complaining and comparing about and with us. 

The best and worst thing here is we meet different kinds of people. 

1)Best is because, everyone is unique in their own way. we have to accept it. 

2) Worst is because, not everyone can understand individual life style and keeps on making fun of other people which is very bad to say, but should say it. 

*You might be asking, it is okay everyone will have problems*
*instead we can say - can we be that one person who understands others, who makes other person life beautiful with his/her presence*

Yes everyone will have problems, 
*Why can't you be a problem solver of that problem?*

Why can't you tell the world that; 
I am proud to understand people. 
I am proud to not to judge others. 
I am proud to be kind all the time. 
I am proud to create happiness every day. 

If once, every individual thinks this way, I think.. They will never make others life fun and will respect others life. 

When we say - 
*We respect each other. We are actually respecting each other lives*

Somehow, we are blessed for having Shravan sir who tells - *I can't control other persons life, everyone should enjoy their own life.*

Do you know, how big it is? 
I think, that's the reason.. We are in bliss place where we all enjoy what we do because of Shravan Sir! 
I felt emotional writing this, 
I am always grateful for you shravan sir

Good Night Thop People
#Let's not hope for the best
Let's be the best! 😃

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