Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hello Thop People! πŸ˜ƒ

Why should we attend Thop talks, Thop obsessions and many more interactions happening in our Thop E-cell?! πŸ€”

The above question made us think...! Right?! πŸ˜ƒ

Lemme, share my experience! 

I love these interactions because. 

When we speak something here in Thop E-cell;

1) Our opinions are respected. 

2) Our presence is valued. 

3) Our thoughts will never get criticized. 

4) we have freedom to express. 

That is what, we all want from our childhood. 

But, somehow all of us were brought up in same mindset, working for marks, assignments, getting teachers attention..! 

That's not our mistake, we are brought up like this..! 

But, change is required right?! 

Change is obviously required for one's growth. 

We all have thought some or the other day, that we all want equality and that is what Thop E-cell about, 

It equally respect everyone's opinion... It gives us freedom. 

That doesn't mean, we should speak words by hurting someone. 

We should share our opinions, thoughts in a respectful way such that, the other person is not being hurt with our words. 

In this way, we are giving value to the Thop E-cell family, which we all created and inculcating the value in our lives too. 

Most important thing is; 

We here, say we are going to make a huge difference in the world..! 

But, how are we making a huge difference?! 

The answer is- 

We are making a huge difference in the world, by *being ourselves, and by believing in our abilities*. 

That is what everyone should do, that results in one's growth

Congratulations on being the best everyday Thop People. 

I know, taking initiative requires alot of guts, at the start and you are willing to

 *be the Change*

Keep going, the way you are growing everyday is making me very happy

Let's support each other. 

Let's grow eachother.

Let's inspire each other. 

#Lets not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best 

Welcome to the Nive's site of obsession. 

Thank you Thop people.

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...