Thursday 7 October 2021

Hello Thop People!! 

I welcome you all to the Nive's site of obsession. 

Now, let's do something different today. 
I am very happy, that My whole expression has made into a book right now which was one of my dreams that has come true. 

I could say - I am just feeling blissful about myself for believing in myself, and loving myself more every single day. 

This has happened because of my parents, who supported me and accepted me for who I am. 
Thank you amma and nanna, for your constant support towards my growth. 

Also, I would specially thank, shravan sir for making my dream possible, for giving the idea of making blogs into a book, and reviewing all my writings for almost 4 to 5 hours, thank you for spending hours together to make this book happen...! 

Actually there are few special things I would like to mention about this book. 
1) firstly, this book was completed in 1 week, actually, it took me 6 months to complete 60+ blogs, but the thing here is - making book happen in 1 week, which shravan sir and few of our teammates thought at the start of our journey. 
Now, this journey has come true and I can't even express how much I am feeling happy for this success. 
2) secondly, In this book, we have our own grammer. 
In other books - we followed someone's teaching regarding English, in this book we want to disrupt, the grammer by proving the world that - content is always important than grammertical errors, until and unless the content is being read by the readers. 
3) third thing is - this book is for you all. 
Yes, many people will connect to my expressions. 
As I honestly, speak what I do, and honestly express my emotions too. 
4) This book - also says, I am there to listen you, 
If this book is going to say this- then, obviously nive is going to say - I am always here to listen you! 

So, thop people! 
This is my intro about the book. 
Hope you have seen my book. 

But, once again, I will just show, my book in our website. 

Thank you!

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Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...