Thursday 7 October 2021

Hello Thop People!! 

I just wanted to share a story of an amazing Person, who has been the reason for someone's best life now. 

You will get to know, who is that person at the end. 

It will be an exciting one to read, hope many will read it till the end! 

One of my friend, took long term and, she got some rank. 

So, when she have seen the possibility, she is getting chemical engineering, food and textile courses for which she is not satisfied for. 

As, she wants to do CSE, and some other courses, but she is unable to get those courses. 

But, her mother has some interest towards chemical engineering, 

One of the reason for choosing is, because of me..! 

Her mother believes that, I can take care of her as she is sensitive and she said that - I am that one person, who understands her and gives her a good company! 

But, my friend was in confused state and she is not unable to make a decision at that moment. 

So, I thought of calling Rohith anna, to Insfire her mother and my friend. 

Rohith anna, the way he talked has made all of us, feel blessed to join chemical engineering. 

That awesomely he talked. 

Now, She took chemical engineering course!! 

We perhaps know, how better her future will be, when she utilise this course to the fullest! 

I just wanted to share here, because. 

It's not that easy to influence someone and make them to take right decisions at right time. 

But, Mana Rohith anna did this!! ;

This is not at all easy. 

Congratulations Rohith anna, for being a great influencer for a change!! 

You deserve an award for being a humble person, everytime I talk with you! 

Our Thop Family, is not only being good to each other. 

But, we are being good to the world. 

This story is the proof for my above sentences!! 

Thank you Thop People for teaching me many good things, through your kindness towards the world. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hello Thop People!! 

Sometimes, we are just tired. 

Sometimes, we just don't know what to do. 

Sometimes, we don't believe in people around us. 

Sometimes, we do make mistakes due to anxiety. 

Sometimes, we don't know how to make others happy. 

Sometimes, people don't like us too. 

But, over all of it! 

The one - who is facing all of these is still being kind to the world. 

That is very important! 

Whatever might be the situations, whatever might be the people, whatever might be the misunderstandings. 

It's always important to not to lose ourselves and be amazing and outstanding wherever we go. 

It's always important, to be our best every single day. 

It's always important, to make our day happier with our little efforts for ourselves every single day. 

It's always important to be Who you are every single day. 

Thank you Thop People. 

Let's not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best.

Hello Thop People!! 

Then - Nive is just feared for her identity. 
She always used to think like- What if someone grows higher than her? 
What if someone didn't like her attitude? 
What if someone make her feel low? 
What if someone break bond with her? 

Now - Nive is like! 
I am happy, to grow others. That gives me blissful feeling. 
I am happy, to help others. 
That gives me satisfactory feeling. 
I am happy, to be selfless at times. 
That gives me kindest feeling. 
I am happy, to not to care about other people bond with me. 
That gives me, independent feeling. 

These are few things, I came across in my past and I have changed in present. 

One of the reasons for my change is 

Yes, It's gratitude that made me selfless at times. 
It's gratitude that has given me the power to grow others. 
It's gratitude that has shown me the path for patience to wait, and get success! 

It's gratitude, that has proven me 
"Everything will *go*, 
On how our heart choose to *grow*"
Thank you!
Hello Thop People!! 

I welcome you all to the Nive's site of obsession. 

Now, let's do something different today. 
I am very happy, that My whole expression has made into a book right now which was one of my dreams that has come true. 

I could say - I am just feeling blissful about myself for believing in myself, and loving myself more every single day. 

This has happened because of my parents, who supported me and accepted me for who I am. 
Thank you amma and nanna, for your constant support towards my growth. 

Also, I would specially thank, shravan sir for making my dream possible, for giving the idea of making blogs into a book, and reviewing all my writings for almost 4 to 5 hours, thank you for spending hours together to make this book happen...! 

Actually there are few special things I would like to mention about this book. 
1) firstly, this book was completed in 1 week, actually, it took me 6 months to complete 60+ blogs, but the thing here is - making book happen in 1 week, which shravan sir and few of our teammates thought at the start of our journey. 
Now, this journey has come true and I can't even express how much I am feeling happy for this success. 
2) secondly, In this book, we have our own grammer. 
In other books - we followed someone's teaching regarding English, in this book we want to disrupt, the grammer by proving the world that - content is always important than grammertical errors, until and unless the content is being read by the readers. 
3) third thing is - this book is for you all. 
Yes, many people will connect to my expressions. 
As I honestly, speak what I do, and honestly express my emotions too. 
4) This book - also says, I am there to listen you, 
If this book is going to say this- then, obviously nive is going to say - I am always here to listen you! 

So, thop people! 
This is my intro about the book. 
Hope you have seen my book. 

But, once again, I will just show, my book in our website. 

Thank you!

We accept, people just the way they are - because, when we do that.. We are actually making them feel confident about themselves and proving that - Being YOU, always matters the most. 

Accepting, friends the way, they are. 

Accepting, family the way, they are. 

It means, we are accepting people without criticizing them and judging them. 

Most of the times, when we accept people just the way they are. 

There might be some people who says - How, can you agree to that person? 

How, can you believe in that person? 

How,can you accept their mistakes or flaws too? 

But, the answer to their question is - 

Accepting doesn't mean. 

We are accepting their goodness. 

But, we are accepting their imperfectness too which means, humans are not perfect, we should just accept the way they are. 

These all things which I really love the most in the word "Acceptance".

If a person leaves us - accept it. 

If a person be with us - accept it. 

*Acceptance doesn't matter with a person*

*Acceptance matters with you, it lies in YOU*

Felt like sharing my thoughts

Thank you ma'am for sharing it and making me think.

Hello Thop People!! 

Nive is back, with her exciting expression today. 

I just wanted to talk about, how we, the Thop Family is good for the world. 

I am just amazed to see, such a kind and pure souls who always wish good for others. 

I am just surprised to be surrounded by them who always be there when someone needs them.

I am just, blessed to have them in my life and learn good things from them. 

Most of them says- it's really hard to, be a good person. 

But, Mana Thop Family, proved with Disruption of their hearts that, Good people will receive good and send good to others. 

I am very happy, for having those people who can spend time for us, celebrate our successes, enjoy our happiness and always tries to remember our self worth. 

It's really astonishing, to create a world like this. 

I could just say - It's Mana Shravan sir and Mana value system, which created a world of Thop's.

I never thought, life would be this beautiful, until and unless I started realising the power of happiness within my surroundings, and through seeing the beauty around us and in the people. 

It's not that hard, to be good. 

Just, shower the goodness and kindness to the world. 

Trust me, the rest is going to be the world of YOUR, dreams..! 

Identi, e ammayi, kindness and dreams ni connect chestundi ani anukuntunara? 

I will tell you the reason also. 

It's our kind attitude that defines our success. 

Not, the grades neither our skills. 

I don't say, grades and skills are not important.

But, it stands secondary when it comes to our journey of successes. 

It's always a person with good heart, is remembered by the world. 

Not, a person who has good grades and potential, and still not doing anything for the world. 

So, Thop People. 

Just, remembering you all that. 

You are just worthy as you are. 

You are beautiful as you are. 

You are amazing as you are. 

You are infinite as you are. 

You are thop stars as you are. 

Never let that, shine go out. 

Keep shining. 

Keep growing. 

#Let's not hope for the best.

Let's be the best. 


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...