Tuesday 24 August 2021

Today I spent more hours on gratitude ❤️
This feeling is just amazing! 
I felt relaxing, Stress free and just blissful moments all around me. 
I felt like I am travelling all around the emotions, positive vibes and good moments which I had in my life.. πŸ˜‡
I also got happiness while writing cards and double happiness while receiving replies because they felt happy... πŸ˜„
I love to travel, this *gratitude made me feel what I love*πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‡not only making cards that has been the reason for my happiness today.But, also the moments where I have been kind to all the people I talked today and also those little moments where I have supported others with my words made me feel proud of myself!! 
You have many reasons to find happiness...!! 
Gratitude is making me to find reasons for my happiness πŸ˜ƒ
Thank you Shravan sir and Shiv akka πŸ€—i should thank you personally for everything you have done for all of us!! 
The one who believed in my abilities( shravan sir - the only person who made me who I am now) reason for my good life and
The one who have taught me the importance of gratitude (shiv akka) to get a good life! 

The only reason for my posting is - *Be proud, Be grateful for who are you and what you do*πŸ˜‡

Happy ReadingπŸ€—πŸ˜ƒThop people!
Always remember: 
Be proud of yourself 
You are doing awesome! 
You are dealing with many situations, which one can say it's small;but for you, it's really big as you are facing it. 
It is not that easy to deal with people, but you are doing it..! Everyone is unique, Everyone will have unique problems tooπŸ˜‰ right? 
So, *we can't compare problems but can understand problems* as it is the only thing we can do it.
Yes, we will go across sad moments too! 
*Temporary emotions, Permanent self growth* is the only way one can come across many life situations..! 
Atleast for me, I only know that way😁

My only intention for saying all of this is. 
You will be facing situations where you will be doubting yourself more, but don't do that.. You are worth, You should be proud of yourself and you only deserve good life πŸ₯°

Have a Great day Shravan Sir 
Good Night Thop People!❤️
Hello My Dear Thop People!!
I will take you to the journey of our Thop talk given by our Thop Gratitude Family. 

We had an amazing Thop Talk with my Thop Gratitude Team. 
Hope everyone of you liked it very much... πŸ˜ƒ
We can sense with the smiles you have carried away till the end.... ❤️

What did we do? 
What made us unique todayπŸ˜„?  
Why did all the audience enjoyed? 
Why did all the emotions could be seen so naturally in everyone of you? 

Did we create a magic? πŸ˜€
Of course, It is magic! 
But, It is a *Magic of Hearts*
Yes, Each and everyone of us in our team have supported each other. 
We have said, that everything is gonna do well. 
We have said, that everything we are going to do is to make millions of hearts smile at that moment. 

You could see our craziness today? Right? 
What did we do today? 
We did nothing, we just expressed our hearts, we just felt that moments which we are getting through 

Finally, I could say 😎
Team is valued, when we value each other to become super stars.
Bond is framed, when we frame each other to beautiful souls. 

We didn't think of perfections, We only thought that;
Our heart, our true emotions, our talks will make our journey memorable! 

Now, It has made our whole Thop Gratitude team day and also, this will be a day to remember, where we just had an blissful moments of 1 and half hour.. πŸ˜„

Gratitude is attitude of making lives beautiful πŸ˜ƒ
I will send you the audio message too with the above words..! πŸ˜‡

Happy Reading! πŸ€—πŸ˜€
Hey Thop People!! 

How will someone get motivated with our words? 

Why will I post motivation posts here daily? πŸ€”πŸ˜€

What's the reason behind it? 

How you think, the *world* is? 
Is everyone respecting each other? 
I don't think so!! πŸ€“

How you think, the *Thop family world* is? 
Is everyone respecting each other 
Yes, of course we do here😎

We are not just motivated by someone words here. 
*We are motivated by values here*

We all want respect! 
We all want happiness! 
We all want gratefulness! 
We all want to be valued! 

You get all of these in Thop family!
That's the reason, we call Thop E-cell as *Heavenly place*

Reminding you that;
I am here to provide value to all of you. 
I am here to motivate you all by realising the power in you. 

Do I know everything? πŸ˜…
Of course No, I don't know anything. I only knew few..!! 
I know how to respect others, how to be kind with others, how to make others feel worth about themselves. 
I honestly, talk what I know and what I don't know too..! 
*If we are honest to the world.Then, we are honest to ourselves, which is a priceless gift which one can give to self*
With learning mindset, gratitude mindset and infinite mindset, we can grow every day little bit. 
I believe in it alot. 

I am Letting you all know that, 
I am always here for you all!
I am here to support you all! 
I am here to appreciate you all! 
I am here to give value and give respect to you all! 

Thank you for always being there with me! 
Happy reading πŸ˜€
Hello Thop People!! 

Always be with someone;
Who will feel happy for your growth. 
Who will make you feel comfortable. 
Who never judges you. 
Who always makes efforts to see smile in you. 
We all have such people where we can see in the form of friends. 

We all have great friends who makes us happy all the time. 
Always be blessed for having them in your life. 

Gratitude can be shown to our friends on friendship day....!! 
Making them feel happy on such special days are importantπŸ₯°πŸ˜‡

You might be thinking, what's there in showing off our friends on friendship days.. But, we all have special days which we wait for, like on birthday's or festivals and wants to celebrate more on our days..! 
The same way, friendship day is also there to showcase our friendsπŸ˜„πŸ˜Ž

Happy friendship day to one and all, who supported me in my obsession! 
Thank you for making me shine through all of your support. 

Good night Thop People πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡
Hello Thop People!! 

Most of the times, World is hard on us for some or the other kind of reason. 

It is really difficult to face. 
As we receive worst comments, insults, not having understandable people and sometimes, we don't get people who listen to us, as they are busy in complaining and comparing about and with us. 

The best and worst thing here is we meet different kinds of people. 

1)Best is because, everyone is unique in their own way. we have to accept it. 

2) Worst is because, not everyone can understand individual life style and keeps on making fun of other people which is very bad to say, but should say it. 

*You might be asking, it is okay everyone will have problems*
*instead we can say - can we be that one person who understands others, who makes other person life beautiful with his/her presence*

Yes everyone will have problems, 
*Why can't you be a problem solver of that problem?*

Why can't you tell the world that; 
I am proud to understand people. 
I am proud to not to judge others. 
I am proud to be kind all the time. 
I am proud to create happiness every day. 

If once, every individual thinks this way, I think.. They will never make others life fun and will respect others life. 

When we say - 
*We respect each other. We are actually respecting each other lives*

Somehow, we are blessed for having Shravan sir who tells - *I can't control other persons life, everyone should enjoy their own life.*

Do you know, how big it is? 
I think, that's the reason.. We are in bliss place where we all enjoy what we do because of Shravan Sir! 
I felt emotional writing this, 
I am always grateful for you shravan sir

Good Night Thop People
#Let's not hope for the best
Let's be the best! πŸ˜ƒ
Hello Thop People! πŸ˜€
I would like to talk about few things here. 
1) We are no one to control others life. 
2) Self appreciation. 
3) Expression. 
4) Honesty. 

1) We are no one to control others life - Yes, that's true.. We are no one to point out others. 
We are no one to judge others. 
We are no one to complain about others. 
We are no one to control others people life - it means, we are no one to say this is right and this is wrong. 
I learnt this from My mentor Shravan Sir, whenever I think about this, I feel very blessed to have a big heart person like shravan sir, thank you for everything sir.. My days are getting better with your presence. 

2)self appreciation - yes, I love to appreciate myself more, I love to have self care, self love all the time. 
It's okay to love yourself more, because it makes you stronger to be yourself more. Feeling like I am great, and no one can do like me - is wrong. 
But, feeling like we are worth enough, we are important, we deserve happiness - is called self love. 
So, Be proud of yourself. Thank you shiv akka for sharing about self appreciation in our obsession. 

3) Expression - I have learnt expression about myself more because, I love me and I don't want to be someone else.. Because, I am worth enough,
 *I am enough of what I am*
When we express ourselves more, we will come out of our comfort zone and we will never put ourselves down for any kind of reason, that's the reason , I tell you people to express about yourself more. 
Thank you shiv akka again, for making us to express more in today's call. 

4) Honesty - I learnt being honest from Shrikanth joshi sir, 
sir tells everything with honesty! Sir wants to be transparent. 
I am learning it from sir everyday. 
When we are honest to ourselves, then we are honest to the world (I believe in it). 
Honesty makes person stronger. 

Hope, you got something out of my writing today. 
Happy ReadingπŸ€πŸ€—
Hello Thop People! 
I would firstly invite you people to read Nive's site of expression which I am going to write now. πŸ˜‰

What's special in that? - Mind. 
What if it is very special to all of you? - heart. 😁

*I listen to my heart, when I write something and that makes me special*

Now, I am going to tell about you! ☺️πŸ˜ƒ
You might be thinking? How? 
Trust me, When I write this. You will feel like you all are known to me very well. 

Thankyou Thop People, for being there for your friend. 
Thankyou Thop People for Sacrificing few things for your family. 
Thankyou Thop People, for understanding people and not breaking beautiful bonds. 
Thankyou Thop People, for being there for each other and supporting them for who they are. 
Thankyou Thop People for not judging and complaining about others, instead always inspiring from others. 
Thankyou Thop People, for having learning mindset and gratitude mindset. 
Thankyou Thop People, for believing in you. 

Now, you might be asking how? 
I have a simple answer for you all. 
Let us take my obsession - 
What is my obsession about? 
Why are you people here? 
What made you to join here? 

You joined because, 
You wanted to be unique. 
You wanted to learn
You wanted to have gratitude mindset. 
You wanted to explore. 
You wanted to support, encourage and make them feel like, you all are there for each other. 

So, My Thop People. 
Always be proud of what you are doing. 
You are doing a very great thing, only few people can do it. 

You are coming to my session, enjoying it, giving beautiful compliments, and supporting me everytime. 

I wonder, how big heart, you people have❤️

Always remember, I will be there for you all to support in your journey. 
I will be there for you all when you need me. 
I will be there for you all to motivate you. 
I will be there for you all, where, I can give everything for you... If you are willing to grow others like you. 

Thankyou Shravan sir, For everything you have done for me till now. 
This is one of my another way to show gratitude to you, by mentioning about all our Thop People. 

Team, You are Thops.! 
#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best πŸ₯³πŸ˜ƒ
Hello Thop People! πŸ˜ƒ

I would like to share few sentences here. 
1)Irritation or anger will become new normal. 
2) Changing will become new normal.
3) Forgiving will become new normal. 
I think, you might be surprised because few words which I mentioned above are negative. 

I wrote these sentences to make you people understand that, Few words which we hear from our childhood have basically made us think, in a negative manner....! Because of this thought process.. We take life in a complex way. 

What if a person gets *irritation*? 
Why can't you understand that person ? 
For example - He/she is struggling with their situations, and when you speak something. They might get irritation.What's wrong in it? There is no mistake in opposite person point of view. 
It's because we have talked with them at the wrong time..that has happened. 
But, without understanding we think that, they are rude to us at that moment. Sometimes, we don't even forgive them.

I wonder, how people will forget all the good things that they received from someone and will only point out the mistakes that they have done for them. 

You might be asking me (how to understand people and situations) 
For me, My definition of understanding is ; 
Listening to them, Observing their actions and being patient is the stepping key to understand people. 
This is just simple, we just complicate things. 

*Change* - We somehow won't accept the change, that has happened in others. 
It might be with friendships. 
We keep on complaining that, this person is not talking with me like before..? 
We have responsibilities, when we are growing big, we will come across many people, many responsibilities over time. and that doesn't mean we are ignoring those people. We are just giving less time for them. ( please understand your friends or family and give them a hope that, no matter even If you talk with me or not, you will always be my best person) 
So, change is acceptable. 
People should change, because it's their life.. You don't have any rights to control other people life. 

I somehow feel,like 
We are not LKG kids to keep on complaining about little thingsπŸ˜‚

*Forgiving* - You might be thinking, Forgiving will make you lose your self respect. But it's not the correct thing. At least for me..! 
Forgiving gives peace to one's life. 

We all are Teenagers, we might somehow make our life complicated, because of our misunderstanding towards few things. 
So, I am just letting you know that, 
Don't make these kind of mistakes and don't make your beautiful life complicated by breaking beautiful bonds. 

If people wants to leave, let them leave. 
It doesn't matter for us. 
The only thing matters here for a perfect individual according to me is; 
1) Understanding
2) Forgiving 
3) Giving our best 
4) Accepting the change. 

#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best.πŸ˜ƒπŸ₯³

Hope you got something out of my writings.
Hello Thop People! 

Sometimes, we might lose our self control over some things and will be messed up for few minutes or hours. But, it is perfectly alright. 

There is one saying "It's okay to not to be okay".
It's okay, to have fears. 
It's okay, to be sad. 
It's okay, to feel low. 
It's okay, to fail...! 

But, it's not okay to hold on to something forever. 

Have you ever thought? 
You all will forgive many people who hurt you? 
But, *why can't you forgive yourself for being low at times, for being regretful at times, for your mistakes*? 
You should forgive yourselves too. 

Question, yourself once πŸ˜‡
You will find the answers, which are in you! 

Never forget, You are that someone too who has every emotion. 
We can't be stable all the time..! 

Sometimes, it's okay to mess up. Don't take it in a complex way. 

For me, I will feel sad for writing exams because, it's out of E-cell, so to make myself better.. I will write gratitude cards to people and will shower them with care, this way.. I am remembering that, I am living in E-cell all the time. 

You can see now " do what makes you happy"
I am doing exactly, this now. 

I will never gonna, lose anything for something. 
I will ever be, gaining everything from something. 

Happy reading 
#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best πŸ˜‡πŸ˜
Hello Thop People!! πŸ˜ƒ

Let's talk about *Exams Fun*

Few of them, completed their exams and few of us have 1 or 2 more exams to complete. πŸ˜„

Let us not make our life complicated thinking about these exams... We are done, and few of us will complete it by tomorrow...Just forget about all the things where you got stressed and only focus on your *dreams of life* because, that gives you happiness. 

Just Once - Go to your parents and say, 
I am feeling sad, 
They will give you all the reasons of which you are best at and will make you forget all the worries. 

So, friends.. Always be happy and remember that, you have your family and Thop Family to support you in your dreams. 

Just remember and reminder to all of you!
 Let's not hope for the best. 
*YOU are the best* 

For now..! in few cases;
#Comparing each other is like throwing one on one. 
Inspiring each other is like growing one on one. 

Guys, let's inspire the world together...! 

Can you please do me a favor? πŸ˜„
Please smile πŸ˜‡
Thank you for smiling ❤️
Hello Thop People! 

Have you felt happy, being with yourself? 
Have you felt satisfied, enjoying your own company? 
Have you felt bliss, by believing in your own self? 
Have you felt worthy, knowing your worth?

Why, we should focus on ourselves?! 
I can answer you this question - We should only focus on our selves because, we are the only one who can motivate ourselves to come back stronger, whenever something happens. 
*It's your own heart, which comes back stronger*..! 
Keep your heart stronger..my dear friends ❤️

Please smile even though, you are not willing to smile. 
Please make yourself powerful, even though you are not willing to handle yourself at this moment. 

Because, Trying can make a person stronger day by day. Believe in yourself..! 

Why, to make our life even more harder by thinking about the people who hurt you, and the regrets and sad moments in the past which you have in your life? πŸ˜ƒ
Question, yourself.. You will find lot, lot, infinite reasons to stay happy at this moment...! 

I have tried it by writing gratitude journal whenever, I feel sad. 
Hope you all rememberex Shiv akka gratitude journal? 

If not, please try it from now..It will take you to the moments of happiness.. Trust me 😌

Hey Pure Soul, Please SmileπŸ˜ƒ

#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best.πŸ₯³
Hello Thop People!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡

How is life in your world?

Why did I ask you? 

Whose world? 

What life? 🀣

You might be having these questions in your mind. 

I wanna let you know that, 
When I say : how is life in your world? 
It means, 
How you are enjoying life with your own company? 
How you are re-defining your life to enjoy everyday? 
How you are making your self strong in facing challenges? 
How you are being a value added person in someone's life? 😁

So, My question has these many meanings in it. 
I just want to let you people know that, 

Re-define it, 
Not because you like it
But, because you own it! πŸ˜„πŸ˜Ž..! 

Redefining certain things for our sake is Obviously Okay! 

Redefine few definitions! 
If someone ask : did you achieved something in your life or did you got succeed in your life! 

My redefining answer would be - I have already got success, the answer would be - I have added value in many people's life - I got success. 
I have been there for many people- I got success..! 
Lot many more reasons would be for our success..! 

Just, *think think think.. In your world*

Good Night Thop People ❤️
Hello Thop People! 

Today was just an mind-blowing day..! 
I can't get over the amazing talk which Srividya mam has given.. πŸ₯ΊπŸ€—

I loved it totally ❤️

If you are a girl, then the talk which ma'am gave will mostly give you goosebumps. 
Because, ma'am not only talked about the women, she talked about *shakthi of our nation - Every women of india*
I am feeling very lucky and happy, to be part of this Thop Talk. 

I always felt, scared to tell my story to the world. 
Now, with the way ma'am inspired me totally, has given me confident to express myself more. 

People, tell..your words will be like - an experienced girl..! Those words will have lot of power and, it will make the other person think that, you have experienced alot. 

I just don't know, how to take this- like a compliment or a commentπŸ˜‚

But, the answer to this question is..! 
Yes, I faced alot, not only me.. Every individual has faced alot... But, I felt like.. I experienced certain things which doesn't deserve to my age. 
Seeing our parents suffering alone without any proper support from the relatives can make the person weaker.
That has happened with me. 

A child, where she has no freedom to express herself. 
A child, where she has never seen pure love with relatives. 
A child, where she has been depressed for over time, because of the accident, which has happened to her parents and that wound has still been there in her over months. 
Yes, she faced alot. 
Now, she is not ready to face anymore. 
She wanted to express. 
She wanted to change. 
She wanted to make herself strong. 
She wanted to grow others. 
Yes, she is ME- The shakthi of my life. 
I am grateful to my parents and my brother, who has been there for each other during hard times.. ❤️

I am very grateful to Srividya ma'am for this wonderful Thop talk, also to the Shravan Sir..! 

#Let's not hope for the best. 
Let's be the best.

Hello Thop People! 

I wanted to share some thoughts regarding my days..! 

Hope you will read it till the end..! Because, it is going to be special for you all. πŸ˜‰

I was literally feeling heavy, in my heart from few days, unable to concentrate on certain things.. It is due to my personal problems...! T

o say in simple words - I was not feeling well mentally. 

So, I asked Praneeth to manage this group by posting write-ups and sharing posts for 1 week, so that, I could come back STRONGER! 

Pranu, was doing extraordinary..! 

He always says to me - We are Telepathic..! 

Now, I could really feel, WE ARE! 

Because, I could relate many thoughts which he has been mentioning from few days. 

Thankyou Praneeth for it. 

Thankyou for writing it for me. 

Thankyou for writing to all of us. 

Thankyou for writing it to the world. 

Now, When I come back to my topic..! 

I thought, it will take 1 week time for me to come back stronger..! But, it took just 2 days for me, to be normal.. I can't say, I am totally extraordinary, but I can say - I AM FINE! 

I AM MENTALLY STABLE (Upto some extend) 

You might be asking what is the reason behind it? 

I will let you know now! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‡you will be surprised..! 

It is due to my obsession! Yes, it is due to my obsession..! 

I am grateful for my obsession

Yesterday, I sung the songs.. I expressed my heart, I was telling my problems with all of you, 

You are LISTENING to me Thop People without judging me. 

Thankyou soo much Thop People. πŸ₯Ί

Every time, I will always try to express my heart from the start of my Thop Family Journey and that is making me powerful everyday. 

Yes, As soon as I completed my obsession. 

I received 3 cards

From Suppi, Kranthi and Shiv akka.. I really felt like I am in blissful place. 

Thankyou Shiv akka, Kranthi and Suppi for making my day special. 

Also, I would like to thank Shravan sir and Gita ma'am for your beautiful compliments towards me..! 

You all people have become the reason for my mental stability. 

Thankyou Thop People. 

I am forever grateful for all of YOU. 


1) Mental Stability. 

2) Expressing our Hearts. 

3) Gratitude. 

#Let's not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best.

Hello Thop People! 

So, As you all know, our gratitude team will always come up with some great ideas, which can help people in mental stability. 

Today, I have come up with an idea, wherein we have to Show *Gratitude day to ourselves* 

I gave 1 hour time..timings are 12 to 1pm(IST)

3 to 4pm(IST)

At first, I thought of making this for 15 days. 

But, through the change that has happened to us.. We want to do it every week on Fridays... So, if anyone wanted to do this activity. Let me know, I can assist you. 

Not only me

Our Whole Thop Gratitude Team will assist you in making this activity. ❤️

You can do anything in this 1 hour, you can dance, you can sing, you can love yourself more by clicking pics, you can remember all the moments by seeing photos, you can write things for which you are proud of, 

you can make a document of all these. 

So, our Teammates have done an extraordinary job, by doing these activity without being delayed. 

Actually, it was wonderful experience for all of us. 

Since few days, we are not feeling well, but today with this activity, we all have realised our power and we all have came back stronger with a huge smile on our faces. 

That's the power, we have,when we are grateful to ourselves. 

These all happened because, we have time for ourselves. 

Just, look at the probability you are going to get, when you show gratitude to ourselves daily.. ❤️

Whenever you feel like, showing.. You can make card for yourselves, be happy, and proud of yourselves..! 

Another thing, which made us happy was our Gratitude meet..everyone when we all meet, we all feel like, we have come for a vacation to enjoy.

This time, our enjoyment was vere level ❤️πŸ”₯

We all together have listened to the Mashup songs,which made us relief at night..we all together sung, made crazy things together and enjoyed those moments. https://youtu.be/fESmGmNNyZA

Should thank Supraja for this wonderful idea..! You are just awesome... Thankyou for being the reason for our smiles. 

Thank you My Thop Gratitude Family, ❤️πŸ₯³for making me feel like, I am in a blissful place πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

#Let's not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best. 

Thankyou Thop People.

Hello Thop People! πŸ˜„

We all might think that, expression is only in the form of speaking and writing. 

but, according to me where, I re-define my definitions..! 

For me, 

Expression is something, which can also be expressed in the form of emotions, humours, gestures, respecting, thinking, being kind, appreciating others, gratitude, self love, travelling and so on.. ! 

The only thing, which we need to focus on and very important to focus on is - 

1)We should never disrespect someone for who they are. 

2) We should never criticize someone. 

3) We should never judge someone for their weaknesses. 

4) We should be polite with each other. 

You can re-define expression as of your wish! 

We don't need to be correct or perfect all the time. 

But, we need to be careful all the time. 

As humans. 

We all want respect. 

We all want the feel of importance. 

We all want to be happy. 

We all want recognition. 

We all somehow, finally need a person who really motivate us, for who we are! ❤️😁not the person, who criticize us for who we are..! 

Be careful, with your words..! Always STAY precious with YOUR way of expression. 

#Let's not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best. 

Good Night Thop People..!

Hello Thop People! πŸ˜ƒ

Why should we attend Thop talks, Thop obsessions and many more interactions happening in our Thop E-cell?! πŸ€”

The above question made us think...! Right?! πŸ˜ƒ

Lemme, share my experience! 

I love these interactions because. 

When we speak something here in Thop E-cell;

1) Our opinions are respected. 

2) Our presence is valued. 

3) Our thoughts will never get criticized. 

4) we have freedom to express. 

That is what, we all want from our childhood. 

But, somehow all of us were brought up in same mindset, working for marks, assignments, getting teachers attention..! 

That's not our mistake, we are brought up like this..! 

But, change is required right?! 

Change is obviously required for one's growth. 

We all have thought some or the other day, that we all want equality and that is what Thop E-cell about, 

It equally respect everyone's opinion... It gives us freedom. 

That doesn't mean, we should speak words by hurting someone. 

We should share our opinions, thoughts in a respectful way such that, the other person is not being hurt with our words. 

In this way, we are giving value to the Thop E-cell family, which we all created and inculcating the value in our lives too. 

Most important thing is; 

We here, say we are going to make a huge difference in the world..! 

But, how are we making a huge difference?! 

The answer is- 

We are making a huge difference in the world, by *being ourselves, and by believing in our abilities*. 

That is what everyone should do, that results in one's growth

Congratulations on being the best everyday Thop People. 

I know, taking initiative requires alot of guts, at the start and you are willing to

 *be the Change*

Keep going, the way you are growing everyday is making me very happy

Let's support each other. 

Let's grow eachother.

Let's inspire each other. 

#Lets not hope for the best. 

Let's be the best 

Welcome to the Nive's site of obsession. 

Thank you Thop people.

Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...