Monday 31 May 2021

 Monday, 31 May 2021

 I am not perfect!! 🥺

I get angry and will shout on my parents, I don't know how to be brave sometimes, I don't know how to deal with the situations too!! 

I only know one thing, being honest and caring everyone like my own people! 

I think that is the biggest mistake I do all the time! 

I am actually losing myself by letting people give away my worth! 

It should not happen! 

I will never shout on my parents for someone else's faults!! 

I will change myself!! 

Yes, I sometimes lose not because I have to! But because I have seen a thing and realised that no one will be with you everytime! You and yourself should suffer alone and fight your own battles! 

Yes I am ready to lose anything for myself! But not ready to lose myself for anything! 

Sunday 30 May 2021

 If someone puts lot of efforts for making you feel happy, then you are blessed! 

You should never leave such kind of people in your life!

They are the people 

Who cares us! 

Who wants us! 

Who loves to spend with us! 

Who gives importance to us!

Actually, I realised one thing here! 

Please don't ever give your value time for everyone! 

Spend time with people who feels your presence makes a huge difference


They are the ones who never let you down at any moment of your life! 

They are the ones who makes your life beautiful 

They are the ones who doesn't like to have tears or fears in you! 

They are the actual souls which one should connect to!

Choosing friends is very important, you have to choose them wisely!! 

Your choice of choosing friends is a talent which you have to develop by thinking and acting brilliant!  


I love to travel, I love to explore, I love to meet new people, I love to interact, I love to understand, I love to adjust, I love to take risk, I love to be unique! 

I feel we will get to know the importance of travelling once we experience the feelings which I mentioned above!! 

Having new people, changing our life style for a certain period of time will make us understand what we actually need to do with our lives! 

I believe in it to the most! 

I agree that, I can't connect to the all people I meet! But, at the same time, I will not ignore the people too, I will atleast make an attempt to talk with them a respectful manner! 

I believe travelling will heal our souls, it will make us feel better, it will make our mindset to look for the future or live in the present! 

The best thing is, we will not remember our past, actually that is what we need right..?! 

We all want to not to remember the past moments which will make us sad or feel low! Travelling will somehow cure the problem of staying in the past all the time! 

I experienced it while travelling, it actually works!! 

I love travelling, I visited many places all around india with my family! 

That feeling is just amazing and heart-warming! 

One of my biggest dreams is to travel travel travel.... and spend almost every moment with myself! 

Self travelling is one of my bigger goal to achieve!  

I will make this happen😇

I want this, I want to make this happen!

 I want to know the purpose of my life so hardly! 

Along with that, I also wants to serve people of that area to the most of I can! 

So that, I can experience both adding value and being with myself

That makes me happy! 🥰

Saturday 29 May 2021

 Shravan sir, I actually wanted to share this news from past few days!

but, not getting exact time to share this news to 

*Thop gratitude team*

Actually, my friend's mother is suffering from covid! 

I asked our team to make gratitude cards for her! 

They made cards for her even though they didn't knew her! 

They were mentioning like... 

*we are there for you*

 *Eat healthy food*

*Stay strong*

*Be happy*

They mentioned these all to her! 

Sir, I just got connected to the *souls of their kind hearts*

The person who made numerous gratitude cards per year and he also made cards for unknown too! 

I just remembered him and I felt *he is there in all of us*

He means- his nature, his gratefulness, his kindness! 

Thop gratitude team is not only a happiness creator for E-cell!

It is a happiness creator to all over the world! 

I felt so happy and I am grateful for them! 

She got recovered and came home😃🥳

I am so happy to have this people in my life!

 Shravan sir, omg! 

Today, I was checking on myself and my growth! 

When I observed the things that changed in me drastically, I felt like *WOW* 

 I have care, but I don't know how to express it!

I love people,but I don't know how to show it! 

I always want others feel happy wth mee, but I don't know how to make it! 

Here, After 5 months of my journey! 

I could feel the Real Nive which the world want! 

I could feel the Real Nive which could only provide value and nothing else! 

I could feel the Real Nive which could only make her dreams possible with lots full of confidence! 

I could feel the Real Nive because of E-cell- the real supporters in my life! 

I always wanted to do many! I prefer human relations! 

But, I just don't know how to deal with it! Here, I came to know about everything! 

I developed positivity ! 

I got to know the importance of gratitude! 

I make sure to think before I speak or utter a word! 

I am seeing better version of myself every single day! 

Finally, I am blessed to be a part of it!! 

Thankyou team!! 

Team team team

You are my dream!! 

We all are in frame! 

In the World full of flame!!

Monday 24 May 2021

 I have a story to tell! 

I am working on a book uncommon accomplishments of common people, Here, We write stories of common people achievements!! 

I have written a story of my mother! 

I think that was the first time I wrote and expressed too! 

While I was reading the story and expressing about her in detail! 

She felt very happy and emotional! 

I didn't expect that would be the reaction of my mother!! 

She felt happy and said I will sleep by your side and we had a beautiful moment where we had a long talk with smiles.

That's where I understood how she got connected with my words of being grateful to her! 

Being grateful to your parents by showing your love and spreading happiness to them is important! 

Daily, at least sometimes appreciate your parents and say that I am grateful for having you as my parents!! 

 Everyone wants to fly high without knowing the depth of the sky! 

After knowing, only few will take the risk and reach to the extremity of their dream world! 

Do you know who will be those people? 

Those who have bigger dreams and a right people to support! 

There were times where many of us don't know what to do with our lives. 

There comes a Super man whose presence gave shine to our souls and made us what we are today!! 

E-cell is the place where one can easily rely on with the trust bond which we all created within our world! 

We here make impossible things possible!! 

We never thought one can do wonders with the team! 

We never thought one can celebrate other people success! 

But, these all happened because of E-cell-A Positive world

These kind of things were taught no where!! 

We got a world where we can have a Freedom to our souls

This is possible because of Shravan sir!!

He gave us the environment where we can express, explore and enjoy!! 

We all are involved in many projects and even we manage studies and projects together with lots full of excitement and happiness! 

We are of totally in a different way where the rest of the world are busy in submitting the assignments, fighting for the marks as they have too!! 

We totally created a world of our dreams, our happiness and our values!!

In E-cell, we always love the things we do or we do the things which we love to do!! 

We never ever complain about anything or about anyone.

In E-cell, the biggest strength is, 

We make others believe in their abilities!! 

We here make everyone think that, they are hero's of their own journey!! 

We always motivate them to become better version of ourselves!! 

We show gratitude to everyone for being in our life and supporting in our journey!! 

We always believe that being grateful adds love, care and strength to others and ourselves too!! 

We believe that, 

Our strength is our value system!! 

We always think of providing value in everything we do or does!!

E-cell is the world which everyone needs, because we are no where, but everywhere as our presence makes the world special and better!! 


 I would like to talk about my favorite movie which I connected to the most:

Movie name is - GODAVARI

It is a telugu movie, The thing which I love the most in movie is the heroine character, Which is very strong and who loves to be independent without depending on others.

It was a long back movie. I got connected with the way she acts crazy and stubborn yet caring and understanding.

This movie will make us to get into another world which gives the positive vibes all around the day.

The never ending love which you get through the movie makes you feel that you are involved in that character especially for the girls.

The way she acts!!

The way she conveys how a girl should be!!

The way she understand others!!

The way she shows anger. It's just pure form of anger!!

The way she take stand for her own self!!

The way she behaves through the battles and struggles!!

Will make you think of a PERFECT GIRL

By the way, I still feel the qualities of her in me!!

I prefer you to watch this movie. It is a feel good movie.

It gives us all the emotions!! 

Don't forget to watch friends

bye..take care!!

Sunday 23 May 2021

 Life becomes beautiful when you think and do good for others without expecting anything.

I am a kind of girl who loves expressing care for my people frequently. I genuinely praise others and will give honest opinions regarding a person.

Most of them feel like if we express our care every time to someone, then it is not going to be worth if you express the care when someone needed it the most!!

I don't believe in it. I always feel people will get benefited by our motivation.

 Sometimes we don't know how a person is going through, so at those times by giving weekly motivations, they may move or feel energetic with your care and support.

I only need my people to settle high, that makes me happy. It is the main reason for my constant care towards my people.

If you always think of enjoying other people success more than yours. Trust me, Life will become heaven.

Its okay to feel low or sometimes we just demotivate ourselves for some situations. but then, you have to feel like everyone is unique and everyone has the biggest strength in them and no one is low with respect to others. 

Everyone is beautiful. 

Everyone is equal.

Everyone is incomparable.

Everyone is unstoppable.

FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. It is as important as you!! Stand for yourself, stand for your happiness too while in the process of making others happy!! 

Thursday 20 May 2021


 Yes, The word which you heard is true! 

I am gonna talk about ignorance!! 

How one will get benefited by ignoring the worthless talks happening around us..? 

You should have a lot of patience and control over your own self to ignore a negative thought or a unnecessary thought which is struggling in your mind!! 

Please, don't ever fall for the words which will ruin your happiness! 

Some people wantedly speak bad about us to test our patience and to make us feel low about ourselves

I am telling you again, don't ever fall for such kind of words! It's really hard to ignore such kind of things! 

But, focus on your goals, your golden opportunities, your beautiful life with your family and friends!! 

Rest of them we have to ignore, no matter what! Because we get nothing out of it!! 

You, Your family and your people only matters the most! 

Love to see the good in people and ignore the bad in others and most importantly ignore negative people too 

About YOU

 Hey people!! 

Hope you all are good and safe🤗

Let me share my thoughts regarding "One Self"

Some people stop expressing about themselves because of societal thoughts!! 

Some people stop praising themselves because of other people opinions!! 

Some people stop giving importance to themselves because of over care for others!! 

I am some people too, I do the same!! 

But, I am trying to change my attitude and letting to see my own worth which is very important than anyone else!! 

Sometimes, You have to be alone because there will be some situations where you can't express, explain and expose!! 

Those were the times, you have to know how to deal with the situations! You have to ask yourself the questions and you have to clarify it with your answers!! 

Every question itself has an answer! I totally believe in it!! 


Your happiness is important! 

Your self care is important!! 

Your self appreciation is important!! 

Your self love is important!! 

Your own self is very important!! 

We can't change a person's attitude, but you can your own attitude by living the life the way you want and you would love to!! 

Stay strong, Keep sharing your thoughts too..!! 


Monday 17 May 2021

My way of believing in our goals:

The creativity comes from the ideas 

The ideas comes from the discussions

The discussion comes from the imperfect talks which we do! 

The imperfect talks comes from the initiative! 

We can observe one thing here, we are re-creating the things from going back and coming forward...!! 

 I would like to share an experience of mine which made me Content and joyful !! 

She is my best friend, She felt like I am ignoring her but actually not, I am busy with few of my works and had no time to be in touch with her for few days, she felt sad !! 

Then, I made a gratitude card mentioning about my 8 years of friendship with her and about how important she is to me! 

I didn't expect the reply would be in a serious way, I mean with lots of love. I thought she would be more sarcastic as best friends always prefer to be crazy with each other

But, the reply which I got from her made me feel astonished and even more happy!! 

As soon as she received my card. she said it made my day!! 

That's how I learnt the value of being grateful again! 

Sometimes, we usually ignore our closed one's! We feel like they can understand everything without explaining it! 

It's not true every time, we have to shower them with love and care.

If you spread happiness to others without expecting from others, You will surely recieve much more happiness in return.

Saturday 15 May 2021


When I had a conversation with Shravan sir, He was mentioning one super thought about E-cell:

God is always supporting and is letting the things work easier than we think..!!

I truly agree to your statement sir, he wants us to make this happen!!

Maybe... He has seen a thing which he haven't seen before..!!?? 

Maybe... He is seeing the real definition of care, human relations and value system....!! 

I always feel and connect to one thing when it comes to E-cell! 

I am getting what I want here! 

I am trying why to create here! 

I am setting how to be here! 

I am learning everything here to reach the world out of tears and fears

Friday 14 May 2021



I believe that we should not be too good for the people who don't deserve goodness. 


Don't judge a story without reading it till the end.... is my philosophy !!

Okay, let me share an experience of mine. I am a girl who prefers kind over everything. I am funny, crazy, kind and unique. I will feel bad when someone behaves worthless towards me and talks like they know everything and will put the other person down without even thinking for a second of what the other person is going through. 

I experienced it many times even with my close friends too. But I never had an argument with them. Most of the times I remain silent and sometimes I say sorry to the people even though the mistake is not on my side. I usually prefer Human relations. It really matters a lot. I am mature enough to handle the problems with smile most of the times. If it is too toxic, then I only prefer you to cut the friendships because we don't deserve such kind of thing right..?

In my case, I am very good to people who loves me and hates me though. because, everyone will remember you one or the other time in their lifetime not because they want you but because the kindness you have shown for them.

I always used to think like...Why am I so kind for such people or a society?? 

Believe me, These kind of experiences didn't change my personality or a behavior. Those were the times I felt so bad, got stressed but whenever they need any help from me. I never said NO. That's where the kindness is shown.

Experiencing the things is not that easy, we have to struggle, should feel the pains, insults and rude. BUT, Never lose the inner peace in you which made you strong now.

 BE YOU and BE KIND. If you have both, then the best will always happen for you at the right place.

By the way, The statement which I said earlier...!! I feel that we should not be too good but you can be kind to others.

So, You can share what you felt regarding that statement in my comment session. Waiting to hear from you all. 

Keep smiling byee...!!

Thursday 13 May 2021



We are important!!

The world needs us because we believe in our abilities

The world needs us because we are connected to the souls

The world needs us because we are here to make a huge difference

The world needs us because we are excited to let the world know that we care

The world needs us because we are respectful to ourselves and others

The world needs us because we will give our best out of we can

The world needs us because we write our own stories

The world needs us because we are hero's of our journey

We are important!!



A person can achieve something

With team, We can achieve anything.

A person can support others

With team, We can support each other.

A person can make a difference

With team, We can make a huge difference.

A person can gain the knowledge

With team, We can share the knowledge.

A person can create the happiness

With team, We can spread the happiness.

A person can fight for the better world

With team, We can enjoy being in the better world.




Gratitude Gratitude built everywhere

Attitude Attitude Shown everywhere

Happiness Happiness spreading everywhere

E-cell E-cell house of love everywhere

Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...