Thursday 24 June 2021

What if I become a pilot? 

What if I become a P.M? 

What if I go travel the world lonely without anyone's support? 

What if I become an astronaut? 

What if I enter into the guinness world records by doing something unimaginable? 

What if I become a super women? ( by supporting people) first ever womenπŸ˜‚πŸ€­

Haha, Dreaming these all dreams are perfectly okay!! People are not going to kill if you dream big...!! 

Sometimes, Life becomes magical, fun and memorable when you try impossible things..!! 

Winning or losing doesn't matter for me, Dreaming big matters! Because, that's how I am gonna change my life from an ordinary living to extraordinary living! 

Okay, We are living like a common people, but that doesn't mean we should live our life with a limited goals..!! Our goals should always be unlimited and big.. So, that wherever we go, we will understand and will avoid small obstacles which seems to be a bigger to other but small to you.. Because you are into the journey of dreaming Bigger.. Bigger and bigger...!! 

Life is perfectly okay by dreaming big, by inculcating rich mindset!

Who said you to live life like an ordinary person? 

Who said you to have only pain if you are a middle-class person? 

Who said you to only suffer when they are many reasons to find happiness in little moments? 

We all have opportunities, we all have many chances to prove ourselves..!! We are just lazy to achieve.. Idk about others, but my Procastination and my laziness made me dumb! Otherwise, I am a happy girl who always want to dream high! 

Now, I am somehow moving into my journey to become the best version of myself! 

I don't want to prove myself to anyone, I just want me to be the best, and the most happiest girl ever..!! This is my another goal to succeed☺

We don't really understand where our life takes us!! 

We don't even have idea regarding it, but still we choose to play with other people feelings without understand our own people!! 

Taking them for granted and not giving importance most of the times. 

I never took granted.. I just don't know how to manage my time and that's the reason I have been talking less with many of my close friends..!! That doesn't mean I don't care them or not understanding them

But, I am working for my own life, for my own family to become the best version of myself..i have bigger dreams..i want to succeed high in my life..! I want to be unique..i want to do multiple works.So,for everything we should manage our time..! 

So, I felt there is nothing wrong to take some time and go back to my friends..!! That doesn't mean I am leaving them totally, if they want any help then for sure, I will be there for all of them. 

I feel.. This is the time to not only dream big but to work big, to make ourselves big in every thought process, in every work we do and in living our own life..! 

So, To have success.. Yes everyone will have their own definitions of their success..! 

I too definition of success is -

I want to dream big. I want to be unique.i want to impact people to gain knowledge rather than marks.I don't want to be dependent on others, I want to enjoy my own company by travelling across the world, I want to meet different kinds of people all around the world to know their habits, I want to understand people.I want to add value to my life. I want to add value to others who came into my life by supporting them..This is my definition of successπŸ˜ƒ☺

Wednesday 23 June 2021

I feel low! 
I do get negative thoughts! 
I make mistakes! 
I get angry! 
I get irritated some times! 
I shout on my family! 
I feel stressed! 
I feel anxiety! 
I overthink alot! 
I do get lot of fears! 
I sometimes feel uncomfortable! 
I do have insecurities! 
I don't know how to deal with the situations sometimes! 
I do think about regrets!
I don't express well! 

Despite of all this, My biggest strength is Quick realisation. 
I will realise it as soon as possible and will come back to my normal mode and will accept my flaws! Yes, A human being is not perfect in everything he/she do or does!! 
Everyone have flaws, I do have....!! πŸ˜‡
But, I am perfect in my own way
because most of the times I listen to my heart rather than my mind and that's the reason I get positive vibes quickly and will come back to my normal position...!! 

My honesty and My heart helped me a lot, it made me stronger in every challenging situation I faced till now! 
I am always grateful to my heart... ❤πŸ˜‡

This is just weird right, being grateful to heartπŸ€­πŸ˜‚haha, this seems to be funny, but when you love yourself then every organ matters alot because it's in you😊

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Appreciation πŸ˜ŠπŸ™❤

Yes, Most of them say that if we appreciate others, then it may lead to their over confidence towards the things that they are doing Or going to do but it's actually not! 

It will make people feel high about themselves and it will let their inner talent come out and in this way they will excel more. 

Because, for me when I receive appreciation.. I feel very happy and at the same time I feel responsible to take more initiative and I get lot more interest towards the things I do!! 

Not only me, Many people are like us, 

They feel happy

They feel confidence 

They feel blessed 

They feel strong

They believe in themselves!! 

So, appreciation is not just a word... It's a valuable and a priceless gift you are giving it to a person!! ❤

I totally believe in it..!! 

Appreciation makes people high about themselves 

Appreciation makes people believe in their abilities

Appreciation makes people to understand their strength

Appreciation makes people to be strong in helpless Situations 

Appreciation makes people to live happily without any bothersome because they knew who they are by our appreciations!! 

So, if once a person start believing in their own strengths.. Then life becomes simple somehow. You are actually helping the person to understand their abilities.. It means you are adding value to a person! 

Be proud of what you all are doing, only few do or does this..!! 

The one who is reading this, yes you..!

You all are stars who always brings shine in other people life..!! 

Thank you πŸ˜‡

Monday 21 June 2021

A common man whose job is to let their children shine! 

A common man whose job is to give away all the things he had to see their children's smile! 

A common man whose job is to believe in their children when no one else did. 

A common man whose job is to let the children learn something for the better world. 

A common man whose job is to take the risk to make their children feel comfortable in everything they do! 

Yes, they are no more common man's. They are super man's! 

This sentences which I read are for my father! But, I am ready to dedicate and be thankful for each and every father and the mothers who took the responsibility of fathers position! I am so grateful for all of them! 

It is not that easy, Parents always want their children to be happy wherever they are! 

My father did the same way to us, he never shown us the pain of struggles he had, he just smiled and lead a life like a leader by giving away all the things he had!! 

That is why, I called him a super man, Superstar and My real hero!! 

I don't know how super man presence looks like ,but I can give the real definition and the feel of a super man when I see my father!!

Thankyou... πŸ₯³

 Hello Thop people!! 

I welcome you all to Nivi's site of obsession! 

I am glad many joined the call and are ready to hear Nivi's short journey yet memorable ones!

Let us look into my journey! 

You might be surprised, because it's weird to tell about ourselves all the time! 

But, It's heaven when you feel their self emotions! 

Before starting about my journey: 

 I wrote few sentences and I would like to speak about it: 

Appreciate others, You will find an appreciable approach towards your life!! 

Don't criticize others, You will find a unknown complication towards your life!! 

Always give love to others, You will find a magic of emotions falling for you in your life! 

Don't hold grudges, You will regret it later for not being Forgivable in your life! 

Be kind to others, You will find a place of peace in your life! 

Be the way you are to others, You will get a wonderful life of yours in your life! 

Yes, as an author, I am obsessed with our book! 

I do get many infinite thoughts to express about our book!

Book was my first journey of writings! 

I didn't knew, that I do have good writing skills unless I wrote about my father in our book! 

This way, I got confidence in expressing my thoughts everywhere! 

I think, that's the reason I am obsessed with the blog too! 

I don't know but I feel happy whenever I express myself or be grateful to others! 

Saturday 12 June 2021

We do have very few people who really support us!! 

I can relate this experience! I do have very few people, I can just count numbers! 
I wonder how come people don't like to approach the people who always do good for the people!! 

Some are very smart at pretending like they really care us, but I know who is sincere in making efforts and who is not?! πŸ˜‚

I just want to convey one thing! 

Life is very complicated, Don't make it even more worrying about these kind of people! 
I have made it, I still worry about how can someone pretend like they like you or how can someone act too rude to you?! When you are toooooo kind for themπŸ˜…

Yes, I feel for it but then it takes 1 hour for me or sometimes even 1 day to get rid of my negative thoughts !! 

I am grateful for you!!
I am learning how to be strong! 
I am learning how to be bold! 
I am learning how to smile without letting others know about this! 

I am proud of myself, I am proud of my heart for bearing these all stupid stuff and still thinking about how to be better than before and how to add value to the works, to the society and to the world! 

Nive, You are greatπŸ˜‡


Worries, Sadness and the life which will never go the way we like to be makes me think of!! 

It is better to do adventures rather than dealing with people!! 

It is better to go around the world with a smile rather than hiding pain with a smile!! 

It is better to enjoy our ownselves rather than putting ourselves down by having a connection with discomfort people!! 

It is better to make ourselves busy all the time rather than overthinking about the problems!! 

It is better to travel all the time rather than continuing our journey at a same place!! 

It is better to not to think about anything rather than having worries of our future!! 

This is so hard to get! But, let us all try to do something best to make ourselves best! 

Because, Only you- yes the one who is reading can make a difference by believing in uniqueness of life!

Thursday 10 June 2021

 Life is the creation of our way of living!! 

When we think of how to solve the problem, instead of thinking about it and worrying. Then, problems doesn't matter much! 

We do have negative and positive impacts in our life! 

I do mentioned negative first here, because we are very much focused on negativity and we forget to see the beauty most of times! 

I have done this most of my times, but then

I changed 

I realised 

I loved

I healed 

I am just learning, still learning and will always learn! 

Perfectionists are those who learn something new or better than before!! 

It is my kind of definition! 

Learning mindset is constant for me! 

The same way, This book refers too! 

When you love, when you connect, when you learn and when you see the beauty of this book! 

Then, surely you gonna enjoy it and you will have a better positive impact! 

We have few stories in it, a lot more to be added soon!! 

if you are not done yet with reading then you can check out here:

This stories happened around us, within us and in us! 

We all are inspiring 

Thank you people for inspiring us with your stories!!

Happy readingπŸ€—πŸ€—

Tuesday 8 June 2021

 Shravan sir, Our mentor! 

Few sentences, I would like to share about my mentor! 

The stars in the sky sparkles when the moon emerges as a leader!! 

Exactly this way, We stars gleam with your presence!! 

Oceans on earth adds beauty to the universe! 

Exactly this way, You add beauty to us with your presence!! 

Nature itself creates beautiful environment without we asking for it! 

Exactly this way, You build us to create a beautiful unique mindset like the nature healing creator!! 


Because of You! 

I believed in my abilities 

I believed in my strengths 

I believed in my uniqueness

I believed in my self worth

I believed in my self!!

Thank you Mentor! 

I am always grateful for you Sir!! πŸ₯³

Sunday 6 June 2021

I would like to convey my love and care towards my seniors!! 

The best people I met in my life whose presence gave me the Confidence, Happiness and many more into my life, You people never know how much you all mean to me! 

I think, I haven't connected to anyone this way.. Even with some of my friends too!! 

This connection is something magical! 


You say we juniors do much, yet you are our backbone of making things done quickest with your presence!! 

You say we juniors support you, yet your support system in the background will always be huge and uncountable!! 

You say we juniors take initiative, yet your initiative at the beginning of your journey have added lot of energy to make our steps get done faster!! 

You say we juniors are strong, yet we can see your strong huge smiles besides facing all the challenges!! 

You say we juniors know how to team up, yet you are the people who actually gives us the comfort to be in a team and will be like a backend warriors!! 

I don't know, This is really small to express my gratitude to all of you! 

With you, We are everything!! 

I know, I have exams but can't wait to express it! 

Thankyou πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡

 Kotha Bangaru Lokam!! 

I want to dedicate this word for my Thop family! 

This environment made me feel blessed!! 

This enviornment gave me the freedom to be myself!! 

This environment made me the best than before!! 

This enviornment gave me the best people who never put me down!! 

This enviornment is all over a heaven to me!! 

I don't know how heaven looks like, But to me, 

Thop cell and Thop family is like a heaven! 

Got freedom to my inner soul! 

Thankyou Thop cell, I am always grateful for you! 

Grateful to our Value system! 

Saturday 5 June 2021

Why people often ask to change one's attitude if they are not comfortable with?! 

Why should they even change it?! 

Everyone has a different level of attitude to approach people, society and life.That's how life works everytime! If you are not letting people the way they want to be, then obviously you are hurting a person!  

Yes, I do faced many situations where I literally felt so bad thinking about someone's attitude. 

I mean honestly, some don't know to talk and they don't even know how to respect others! 

But, I never uttered a word saying - you have to change your attitude! I left with no words because that's how you have to be with others! 

Don't be rude, Be kind always! 

See, Experiences makes person better! There is no need to give suggestions regarding a person's growth! 

One can easily grow once they choose to grow! 

Yes, It's really hard to deal with people! 

But, can I say one thing! 

If you choose people the way they want to be! 

If you like people the way they like to be! 

If you care people the way they deserve to be!

Then, it becomes easier πŸ˜„

What's wrong if people are not able to express well or remain silent in a group of people but excel very well in the works which they got assigned with?!

Yes, I am some people who don't like to express in real but love to do works with consistence

What's wrong in doing that way?! I mean I don't love to socialise much! 

It can be because of my own reasons!! 

I will mention few of them here, 

I feel uncomfortable! 

I speak less to not to hurt others! 

I don't prove myself by expressing more rather than proving it in with the things I do, I feel this makes more sense for my question! 

Yes, I do know there are many people who get connected to me when they see my blog. Because, I do know most of them don't like to express in groups! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

But, at the same time! 

My important suggestion is- whenever you want to express your ideas, Thoughts and opinions which will come from your heart! Then, don't hesitate! Just express.. !

 I do express whenever I feel it is important to express! 

I am both, I can be anything but I will choose to be an introvert, because I don't want things to happen the way which I don't want to! 

So, I prefer to remain silent and calm! But, will express whenever it is needed!! 

Express to explore! 

Express to improve! 

Express to add value! 

Express to make sure you are on a right path! 

Especially me, I don't involve in discussions mostly! But, if I involve then I will put my heart into it!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Even then, I listen the most! I will never neglect anything, might be.. I will be calm but will still listen and will respect everyone's opinion! 

Wednesday 2 June 2021

We come across lot of people where we actually feel uncomfortable to talk! We don't even know the reason behind it?! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Did you ever faced that kind of situation? 

Yes, I do face it because I am not that expressive in real! 

To be Frank, I don't know how to express my emotions so, I only prefer writings! 

I don't know why, but it takes time to go for a comfort zone! 

That doesn't mean I don't care them or I don't like them, it's just because I am not comfortable! 

Because, we can't connect to everyone right..? It's not at all possible! 

So, next time when you feel like I am avoiding or talking less that doesn't mean I have attitude! It means I am just feeling uncomfortable to talk! 

Sorry, but it's my nature! It can't be changed πŸ˜‡

Yes, this may look or sounds odd! But, sharing honest thoughts is always important! Because, I feel happy to share my thoughts this way! 

 When we do good for others, We do get good in return! I believe in it, because I experienced it! 

We do believe the things when we experience it! 

But the most beautiful part here is we get surrounded by the most beautiful people who thinks exactly the same way we does! 

We have a lot of negative thoughts which will always run in our mind, no matter how much we try to avoid it, Those were the times: 

These people will make us happy with their talks 

These people will give us motivation 

These people will make us feel high with their beautiful words 

These people with whom we actually rely on during those times

Everyone will get these kind of people some or the other time ! 

You will see this kind of people the most is when you have positivity and goodness in yourself and spread it to the world! 

Surrounding with such kind of people is a bliss! 

Dont ever lose such kind of people who brings the best in youπŸ€—

Tuesday 1 June 2021

 JEALOUS!! πŸ€­πŸ€”

Yes, i used to feel jealous when my friends talk more with other people! 

It's okay to feel jealous, because that's how pure bond is shown and known! 

But, Don't ever feel jealous that takes away your happiness! 

Yes, You can ask me how will that ruin your happiness?! 

I will share my experience! 

I used to give my 100% care towards my people, but most of the times I didn't get in return! 

I didn't feel for it too! Because, I know who I am and how much I do for my people! 

Sometimes, we get jealous when we see our people with someone else! Even though, it hurts me a lot! I never uttered a word in return with anger or sadness! 

I used to be calm and later on! 

Life is not always same right..?! It will change, your attitude will change, Your behavior will change! But that doesn't mean you will change totally! It means you will make things easier than before through your experiences! 

That is what everyone needs right..?! So, if you feel jealous then, it's okay! 

Days later or years later! You will become stronger and will make your life easier by not caring those jealousy kind of things!! 

Experiences makes person stronger and believer of what he/she needs to be! 


Hello Everyone!!  I came here to talk about one of the most beautiful girl inside and outside and who is very close to my heart,where i can ...